Being able to render an effective cross-examination is a critical skill for nay trial lawyer as skillfully asked questions to an opponent’s witness into resources for strengthening one’s own case and undermine the opponent’s claims. While each lawyer develops his or her own method of cross examination, the goal remains to weaken an opponent’s case in favor of his own. Indeed, nothing secures a lawyer in court proceedings than his time in the witness-box under the brimstone of a trial lawyer’s cross-examination. However, the popular assertion seems to make a good number of people believe that the Nobel art is an instrument of legal intimidation and character assassination of witnesses who come to court to give testimonies. In this light, this research work is aimed at examining whether or not, the sky as the limit of cross-examination is a myth or reality. The reason for embarking on this research is to ascertain through legal proposition, the limits of cross-examination and subsequently put an end to the misconception that the sky is the limit of cross-examination. The research methodology employed in the work is doctrinal and the approach is analytical and descriptive. The researcher understudied the work with the aid of statues case law, journals, materials on the internet and textbooks relating to the topic under discus and subsequently found that the expression of the sky being the limit of cross-examination. The researcher consequently recommends that there is a need to educate and enlighten the masses to change their view about the Nobel art of cross-examination 

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