Background of the Study

Security is the most vital aspect of every society all over the globe irrespective of the location. A website being a collection of related Web Pages, including multimedia content typically identified with a common domain name and published on at least one web server, may be accessible via a public internet protocol (IP) network such as the internet or a private local area network (LAN), by referencing a uniform resource locator (URL) that identifies the site, needs to be secured.

The need for web security arises from the ever improving techniques, systems, programs and software systems developed that can replace a human being to do a job such as entering of data into systems, generating of data automatically, handling of events that occur on or within a system etc. As a matter of fact, websites not properly secured are constantly being breached by bots (robots). The entire security of one system may collapse, if sensitive information or unauthorized access is given to a wrong identity. The fundamental problem of using password is that the login password was hacked by malicious software and the password was exposed. As a result, this intrude program can access the data without permission by emulating human login process this brings about web security.

One of the most popular means of securing a website is by the use of CAPTCHA. It is an acronym for “Completely Automated Public Turing Test to Tell Computers and Humans Apart”. CAPTCHA is an automated technique that was developed to tell human and robots apart. It employs a technique that requires visitors on a site to pass a simple test where the user has to re-enter a simple text displayed on the screen into a text box provided and then click on a submit button for verification to see if the typed word is correct. The text offered to the user is usually contorted in one of several ways; the text could be wavy, or have horizontal strokes across them. But from analysis made, it was observed that text based CAPTCHA has being breached with some deCAPTCHA software’s, this gives rise to this study in order to developed and built an image based CAPTCHA which cannot be easily breached by software’s.

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