This study was aimed at investigating the potentials of different proportioned mixtures of kerosene and olive oil as alternative clearing agents in place of xylene during tissue processing. It was carried out in the histopathology laboratory of the department of Medical Laboratory Science, Imo State University, Owerri between February and March (2017). Sample of tissues were harvested from a presumably healthy wistar rat. These tissues were fixed and grouped based on clearant to be used. Following all basic tissue processing protocols, tissues were processed manually with only alterations of the clearing process were necessary. Tissues were cleared by passing through two changes of xylene for (Group1control) and two changes of different proportions of mixtures of kerosene and olive oil for Group 2 (4:1), Group 3 (3:2), and Group 4 (2:3). Clearing was carried out in a hot air oven at 60o C based on Bernoulli’s principle. Following the stated criteria for evaluation, analysis were carried out and results were obtained showing that xylene was a colorless liquid with a strong pungent smell having hazardous properties unlike the kerosene and olive oil mixtures used which had distinct colors as well as smell and were less toxic. Group 2 (4:1)gave poor alternative results as tissues from this group were poorly sectioned and stained, Group 3 (3:2) gave excellent clearing and staining results comparable to the control. Group 4 (4:1) also gave good clearing and staining results as tissues were comparable to the control group. It was evident that xylene remained a very good clearing agent regardless of its hazardous properties. Although when used in the right ratio, a mixture of kerosene and olive oil served as good alternative clearing agent comparable to xylene. Toxic and costly chemicals used during tissue processing remains an issue which more researches should be carried on their alternatives.

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