The main purpose of this study is to study the impact of poverty reduction programs in the growth of the Nigeria Economy between the period 1986-2015. A review of related literature was carried out in order to till the existing gap already existence. The methodology employed in this study analytical aim explanatory research design will be adopted to access various poverty reduction program put up by various administration in Nigeria as development strategies to achieve the objective of this study. A Granger Causality test was carried out, it shows that there is no Causality relationship between the variables. Ordinary Least Square (OLS) ADF and Philips Pearson (PP) unit root test, co-integration Rank test, Error Correction Model (ECM), Durbin Waston statistic test, T-test and F-test was used to test the stationarity and Log- run-relationship between the variables. The result shows that life expectancy literacy rate, unemployment rate, per capital income has a negative relationship with the dependant variable poverty incidence in Nigeria within the period under study. The co-efficient of per capital income and literacy rate will lead to an increase in the standard of living thereby decreasing the rate and level of poverty in Nigeria. In addition, the research recommend that Government should encourage the reduction and health sectors through increasing funding, as well as ensuring that the research are properly managed and used for the development of education and health services and government should ensure that capital expenditure and recurrent expenditure are properly managed in a manner that it will raise the nations production capacity for poverty reduction proxy by (PCL). The researcher concluded that government should provide an enabling environment for their citizens to work in order to reduce poverty and increase the growth of the Nigeria economy.

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