Solid minerals are important to the economic growth of many countries. Minerals can either be extracted from the surface of earth or deep in earth. A mineral is a naturally occurring substance that is solid and inorganic, representable by a chemical formula, usually abiogenic and has an ordered atomic structure. The study addressed the contributions of Solid mineral sector to Nigeria’s economic growth from 1985 to 2014. In the study, variables captured are Capital accumulation, Exchange rate and Solid mineral production rate on Gross domestic product (GDP). On the application of statistical techniques employed, the following information surfaced; Solid minerals do not contribute significantly to Nigeria’s economic growth during the chosen period of observation. Solid minerals have no significantly Granger causality relationship with gross domestic product (RGDP) in Nigeria’s economy. In generally, the R2 stood at 97 percent total variation on Gross domestic product (GDP) was affected by the influence of the increase of Capital accumulation, Exchange rate and Solid mineral production rate, shows good fit. The regression plane is statistically significant. This means that the joint influence of the explanatory variables (Capital accumulation, Exchange rate and Solid mineral production rate) on the dependent variable (GDP) are statistically significant. The results show that the coefficient of the error-correction term for the estimated is statistically significant since it shows negative at 5 percent critical level. The coefficient of ECM is -7% denotes that up to 7 years Speed of adjustment for Gross domestic product (GDP) to attain equilibrium from the short-run dynamics resulted from the independent variables. There is an evidence of first-order serial correlation (autocorrelation).

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