The study examine the impact of child labour on school attendance and academic performance. The study Adopted a Survey research and a sample size of 359 from a population of 3500. Using A structured questionnaire as instrument for data collection, mean scores and t- test as the method of data analysis; The findings showed that most of the respondents are fully aware of the negative impact of child labour on secondary school students. It was noted in the findings that factors like poverty in a family are major reasons for child labour. Findings also showed that child labour affects academic performance of secondary school students. Based on these findings, the study recommends that Government should ensure sustainability development programme for all the citizens to enable each individual attain their needs and be able to adequately train their child’s in school, Parent/ guardian who forcefully subject their children to child labour due to their greed should be made to face the wrath of the law and Parent/ guardian should endeavour not to subject their ward to the harsh task of child labour but try their best to help their children concentrate more on academic pursuit.